How Much to Tip Housekeeping – Tipping Guide 2024

In the United States, tipping housekeeping is an important part of the hospitality industry. However, many people are unsure about how much to tip and when to do so. According to industry experts, tipping should be done at the discretion of guests and can vary depending on the service and hotel experience. While there are no hard and fast rules, it is recommended to leave a tip for housekeeping to show gratitude for their efforts.

how much to tip housekeeping

Key Takeaways:

  • The amount to tip housekeeping is discretionary, but it is a common practice to show appreciation for their service.
  • Tipping housekeeping is an important way to recognize and value their hard work and effort.
  • Consider factors such as the size of the room, the number of occupants, and any special requests or interactions with the housekeeping staff when determining the appropriate tip amount.
  • Cash is the preferred method of tipping, but alternative options such as leaving a review or a small gift can also be meaningful gestures.
  • Remember to follow any safety guidelines provided by the hotel, such as wearing masks and practicing social distancing, when interacting with the housekeeping staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why Tipping Housekeeping is Important

Tipping housekeeping is an essential practice that holds immense significance within the hospitality industry. It serves as a way to acknowledge and appreciate the tireless efforts and hard work put in by housekeepers to ensure your stay is comfortable and enjoyable. These dedicated staff members often work long hours, performing physically demanding tasks to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of your hotel room. By tipping housekeeping, you express gratitude for their exceptional service and motivate them to continue delivering outstanding experiences in the future.

One of the key benefits of tipping housekeeping is that it helps supplement their income. Many housekeepers heavily rely on tips as a significant portion of their wages. By tipping generously, you contribute to their financial stability and well-being. This act of appreciation not only shows that you value their service but also serves as a form of recognition for the important role they play in ensuring your comfort and satisfaction during your stay.

Furthermore, tipping housekeeping fosters a positive and rewarding atmosphere within the hotel. When housekeepers receive tips, they are likely to feel more motivated and appreciated, prompting them to go the extra mile in providing exceptional service. The impact of tipping extends beyond the individual housekeeper, as it positively influences the overall guest experience. When housekeeping personnel feel valued and acknowledged, they are more inclined to provide personalized attention and ensure that all your needs are met with care and excellence.

Highlighted Benefits of Tipping Housekeeping:

  • Recognition and appreciation for the hard work and efforts of housekeepers
  • Financial support to supplement the income of housekeeping staff
  • Motivation for housekeepers to continue providing exceptional service
  • Enhanced guest experiences through personalized attention and care

Remember, tipping housekeeping is a tangible way to show your gratitude and make a positive impact on the lives of those who work diligently to ensure your stay is memorable. By recognizing the importance of their work and extending a heartfelt tip, you contribute to a culture of appreciation and value the dedication of these essential staff members.

“Tipping housekeeping is a simple act that goes a long way in recognizing and valuing the hard work and dedication of these essential hotel staff members.”

Tipping Etiquette for Housekeeping

When it comes to tipping housekeeping, following the proper etiquette ensures that your gratitude is effectively communicated. Here are some guidelines to help you navigate the world of tipping:

  1. Tip Daily: Rather than leaving a lump sum at the end of your stay, it is customary to tip housekeeping on a daily basis. This allows you to show appreciation to the specific housekeeper who serviced your room each day.
  2. Use Cash: Cash is the preferred method of tipping housekeeping staff. It is best to have small bills on hand to leave as a tip.
  3. Marked Envelope or Thank-You Note: To ensure that your tip reaches the intended recipient, it is a good idea to place it in a marked envelope or accompany it with a thank-you note. This helps avoid any confusion and expresses your gratitude more effectively.

When determining the appropriate tip amount, consider the following factors:

  • Room Size and Occupancy: If you stayed in a larger room or had more occupants, it may require additional cleaning and service, warranting a higher tip.
  • Special Requests or Interactions: If the housekeeping staff fulfilled any special requests or went above and beyond in providing excellent service, it is appropriate to consider a higher tip.

Remember, tipping housekeeping is a way to acknowledge their hard work and dedication to ensuring your comfort during your stay. By following these guidelines, you can express your gratitude in a manner that is respectful and appreciative.

Tipping Etiquette for Housekeeping

Expert Tip:

“Tipping housekeeping staff is a thoughtful gesture that goes a long way. Remember that they work tirelessly to make your stay comfortable, and a small token of appreciation can make a big difference in their day. It’s always best to tip in cash and be consistent with daily tipping.”

– Hotel Hospitality Expert

Recommended Tip Amount for Housekeeping

When it comes to tipping housekeeping, it’s important to show appreciation for the hard work and effort they put into making your stay comfortable and enjoyable. But how much should you tip? The recommended tip amount for housekeeping can vary depending on factors such as the type of hotel and the level of service provided.

According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), a tip of $1 to $5 per night is suggested for mid-range or business hotels. This is a good guideline to follow if you’re staying in this type of accommodation. However, for luxury hotels where service expectations are higher, experts recommend leaving a tip between $2 and $20 per day. The exact amount within this range should depend on factors such as the size of your room, the level of service received, and any special requests you made during your stay.

It’s important to consider your own budget when determining the appropriate tip amount. While it’s customary to leave a tip for housekeeping, you should never feel obligated to tip beyond your means. The most important thing is to show gratitude for the service provided and to acknowledge the hard work of the housekeeping staff.

Tips for Tipping Housekeeping:

  1. Consider the level of service and any special requests made during your stay.
  2. Take into account the size of your room and the duration of your stay.
  3. Adhere to your own budget and tip what you can afford.
  4. Leave the tip in a marked envelope or with a thank-you note to avoid any confusion.
  5. If you received exceptional service, consider leaving a higher tip to acknowledge the effort.

Remember, tipping housekeeping is not only a way to show appreciation but also a way to support the hardworking staff. By considering these guidelines and expressing your gratitude through a tip, you can contribute to a positive and respectful relationship with the housekeeping team.

Factors to Consider When Tipping Housekeeping

When deciding how much to tip housekeeping, several factors come into play. Considerations such as the number of occupants in the room, the size of the room, the condition of the room, any special requests or interactions with the housekeeping staff, and your own budget all contribute to determining an appropriate tip amount.

  1. Number of Occupants: If there are more people in the room, it is likely that additional cleaning will be required. Therefore, it may be appropriate to give a higher tip to show appreciation for the extra effort put in by the housekeeping staff.
  2. Size of the Room: Larger rooms typically require more time and effort to clean thoroughly. If you have stayed in a spacious suite or a room with multiple bedrooms, consider giving a slightly higher tip to acknowledge the extra work involved.
  3. Condition of the Room: If your room was particularly messy or required additional attention, it is thoughtful to recognize the efforts of the housekeeping staff. A higher tip can serve as a gesture of appreciation for their dedication to ensuring your comfort.
  4. Special Requests or Interactions: If the housekeeping staff went above and beyond to fulfill any special requests or provided exceptional service during your stay, it is considerate to reward their efforts with a higher tip. Recognizing their outstanding service encourages a positive work environment and motivates them to continue delivering exceptional experiences for other guests.
  5. Your Own Budget: While it is important to take into account the factors mentioned above, it is equally crucial to consider your own budget when determining the appropriate tip amount. It is essential to recognize the efforts of the housekeeping staff, but it is equally important to ensure that you can afford a gratuity that aligns with your financial capabilities.

By considering these factors, you can determine a thoughtful and appropriate tip amount that reflects your appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the housekeeping staff.

factors to consider tipping housekeeping

Alternative Ways to Tip Housekeeping

While cash is the preferred method of tipping housekeeping, there are alternative ways to show appreciation if you do not have cash on hand.

  1. Leave a glowing online review: One option is to leave a positive review on platforms such as TripAdvisor or Yelp, mentioning the name of the housekeeper who provided excellent service. This not only shows appreciation but also helps other travelers make informed decisions. Many hotels have incentive programs based on positive reviews, which can provide recognition and potentially additional compensation for the housekeeper.
  2. Gifts or notes: Another option is to leave a small gift or a handwritten note expressing your gratitude. This could be a box of chocolates, a bouquet of flowers, or a personalized thank-you card. However, it is important to note that some hotels have policies restricting what housekeeping staff can accept, so it is best to check with the hotel before leaving non-cash tips.

alternative ways to tip housekeeping

By exploring these alternative ways to tip housekeeping, you can show your gratitude and make a positive impact on their day.

Tipping Housekeeping During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the travel industry, prompting changes to various aspects of hotel stays, including tipping housekeeping. While it remains essential to show appreciation for the hard work of housekeeping staff, it is equally important to prioritize their safety. Hotels have implemented new cleaning protocols that require additional time and effort from the housekeeping staff, making their job more challenging than ever before.

During these unprecedented times, guests should consider adjusting their tipping practices to reflect the increased workload and potential risks faced by housekeeping staff. Offering a higher tip can demonstrate gratitude for their dedication and commitment to maintaining clean and safe environments in hotels.

COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Tipping Housekeeping

When it comes to tipping housekeeping during the pandemic, it is crucial to follow specific safety guidelines provided by the hotel. These guidelines may include wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and limiting direct contact with the cleaning staff.

“By adhering to these safety guidelines, guests can minimize the risk of transmission while still expressing appreciation for the hard work of housekeeping staff,” says Jane Smith, a hospitality industry expert.

It is essential to respect the health and well-being of housekeeping staff, as they play a vital role in ensuring guest safety during the ongoing pandemic.

Housekeeping Tipping in the Era of COVID-19

While tipping housekeeping during the COVID-19 era, guests should consider the following factors:

  • The increased workload and time spent on cleaning and disinfecting each room.
  • The potential risks associated with entering multiple occupied rooms throughout the day.
  • The importance of recognizing and appreciating the dedication and efforts of housekeeping staff during these challenging times.

By taking these factors into account, guests can determine an appropriate tip amount that reflects the current circumstances and the exceptional work carried out by housekeeping staff to ensure guest safety and comfort.

Remember, a little extra generosity in the form of a higher tip can go a long way in showing appreciation and support for the hardworking housekeeping staff.

COVID-19 safety guidelines for tipping housekeeping

Tipping Other Hotel Staff

In addition to housekeeping, there are other hotel staff members who provide essential services during your stay. These individuals work diligently behind the scenes to ensure your comfort and convenience throughout your hotel experience. While tipping practices may vary, showing appreciation for their assistance is a thoughtful gesture that is widely appreciated.

Here are some of the hotel staff members you may consider tipping:

  1. Valet attendants: These staff members provide parking and retrieval services for guests who opt for valet parking. A tip of $2 to $5 is customary.
  2. Bellhops: Bellhops assist guests with their luggage and escorts them to their rooms. It is customary to tip bellhops $2 to $5 per bag for their service.
  3. Concierge staff: These knowledgeable individuals offer recommendations, make reservations, and provide valuable information about local attractions. If the concierge goes above and beyond to assist you, consider a tip of $5 to $10.
  4. Shuttle drivers: If your hotel offers a shuttle service, tipping the driver is a nice gesture, especially if they provide helpful information or assist with luggage. A tip of $1 to $2 per ride is appropriate.
  5. Massage therapists: If you enjoy a relaxing massage at the hotel spa, it is customary to tip the massage therapist. A tip of 15% to 20% of the service cost is recommended.
  6. Trainers: If you use the hotel’s fitness center or participate in personal training sessions, consider tipping the trainers. A tip of $5 to $10 per session is appropriate.
  7. Activity guides: If you join organized activities or tours arranged by the hotel, tipping the guides is a kind gesture. The appropriate tip amount can range from $5 to $10 per person, depending on the length and complexity of the activity.

When determining the appropriate tip amount, it is essential to consider the level of service provided and any special assistance you received. While these are general guidelines, it is ultimately up to your discretion to determine the tip amount that reflects your satisfaction with the service received.

tipping hotel staff

The Benefits of Tipping Hotel Staff

Tipping hotel staff, including housekeeping, has several benefits.

  1. Appreciation: Tipping shows gratitude for the services provided by hotel staff. It is a way to acknowledge their hard work and dedication in ensuring your comfort during your stay.
  2. Motivation: When staff members receive tips, it motivates them to continue providing excellent service. Knowing that their efforts are valued and appreciated encourages them to go above and beyond for guests.
  3. Supplementing Income: Tipping helps to supplement the income of hotel staff. Many rely on tips as a significant portion of their wages, especially in industries where base salaries may be lower.
  4. Enhanced Experience: When staff members feel valued and appreciated through tips, they are more likely to go the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction. This can result in a more enjoyable and personalized hotel experience.

Tip generously and reap the benefits of exceptional service and a positive hotel experience!

Next, we will explore the tipping culture in hotels and provide some final thoughts on tipping housekeeping.

Tipping Culture in Hotels

Tipping has become a common practice in the hospitality industry, and it is considered part of the culture in many hotels. While there are no universal rules for tipping, it is generally expected to tip hotel staff for their services. However, it is important to consider cultural differences and local customs when tipping in international hotels. In some countries, tipping may not be customary or may be included in the service charge. It is always a good idea to research tipping customs before traveling to ensure you are following local etiquette.

Final Thoughts on Tipping Housekeeping

When it comes to tipping housekeeping, it’s important to remember that it is a personal decision. However, tipping is a gesture that shows appreciation for the hard work and effort that housekeepers put into maintaining a clean and comfortable hotel room. While there are no set rules for how much to tip, considering factors such as the size of the room, the number of occupants, and any special requests or interactions with the staff can help determine an appropriate tip amount.

Cash is the preferred method of tipping housekeeping, as it allows the staff members to directly benefit from your generosity. However, if you don’t have cash on hand, there are alternative options that can still be meaningful. Leaving a positive review online, mentioning the name of the housekeeper who provided excellent service, can help recognize their efforts and potentially lead to additional compensation through incentive programs. Another option is to leave a small gift or a heartfelt note to express your gratitude.

Ultimately, tipping housekeeping is not only a way to enhance your overall hotel experience but also a way to support the hardworking staff members who ensure your comfort during your stay. By showing your appreciation, you can motivate them to continue providing excellent service and contribute to their income. So, the next time you check out of a hotel, consider leaving a tip for the housekeeping staff who work diligently behind the scenes to make your stay enjoyable.


How much should I tip housekeeping?

Tipping housekeeping is a personal decision, but the recommended tip amount can vary. For mid-range or business hotels, experts suggest a tip of $1 to $5 per night. For luxury hotels, tips between $2 and $20 per day are suggested, depending on factors such as the room size and level of service.

Should I tip housekeeping daily or at the end of my stay?

It is customary to leave a tip for housekeeping on a daily basis. This ensures that the tip goes to the specific housekeeper who serviced your room each day and helps show appreciation for their daily efforts.

What is the preferred method of tipping housekeeping?

Cash is the preferred method of tipping housekeeping. It is best to leave the tip in a marked envelope or with a thank-you note to avoid any confusion.

What factors should I consider when determining the appropriate tip amount for housekeeping?

Factors to consider include the size of the room, the number of occupants, the condition of the room, any special requests or interactions with the housekeeping staff, and your own budget.

Are there alternative ways to tip housekeeping if I don’t have cash?

Yes, you can leave a glowing online review mentioning the name of the housekeeper who provided excellent service. You can also leave a small gift or a note expressing your gratitude, but be sure to check with the hotel regarding their policies on non-cash tips.

Should I tip housekeeping differently during the COVID-19 pandemic?

It is still important to show appreciation for housekeeping staff, but also consider their safety. Some hotels may have implemented new cleaning protocols, so a higher tip may be warranted. Follow any safety guidelines provided by the hotel when interacting with housekeeping staff.

Are there other hotel staff members who should be tipped?

Yes, other hotel staff members who provide services such as valet attendants, bellhops, concierge staff, shuttle drivers, massage therapists, trainers, and activity guides may deserve a tip. The recommended tip amounts can vary depending on the level of service and any special assistance provided.

What are the benefits of tipping hotel staff, including housekeeping?

Tipping shows appreciation for the services provided, motivates staff to continue providing excellent service, supplements the income of hotel staff, and can enhance your overall hotel experience.

What is the tipping culture in hotels?

Tipping has become a common practice in the hospitality industry. While there are no universal rules, it is generally expected to tip hotel staff. However, it is important to consider cultural differences and local customs when tipping in international hotels.

What is the final thought on tipping housekeeping?

Tipping housekeeping is a personal decision and an important way to show appreciation for their hard work. Consider factors such as room size, number of occupants, and special requests when determining the appropriate tip amount. Cash is preferred, but alternative ways to show appreciation are also meaningful.

The post How Much to Tip Housekeeping – Tipping Guide 2024 appeared first on Zac Johnson.

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