WSJ Podcast – Top WSJ Podcasts in 2024

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of business news and financial trends. To cater to its audience on the go, WSJ offers a diverse range of podcasts that deliver expert analysis and captivating stories.

wsj podcast

Key Takeaways:

  • WSJ podcasts provide in-depth insights into business news and financial trends.
  • Listeners can stay informed and entertained while on the go with WSJ podcasts.
  • WSJ podcasts are available on various popular podcast platforms.
  • Each podcast episode features expert analysis and engaging stories.
  • Discover the best WSJ podcasts for staying updated on the latest business and financial news.

WSJ Take On the Week – Breaking Down Business and Financial News

Stay informed with WSJ Take On the Week, a popular podcast that provides insightful analysis and stories from the world of business and financial news. Hosted by Dion Rabouin, this podcast cuts through the noise and delivers the most important updates for listeners who want to stay ahead in the ever-changing economy.

Each episode of WSJ Take On the Week offers a clear breakdown of the topics that matter, keeping you informed about the latest developments and trends shaping the business landscape. From market movements to policy changes, this podcast provides comprehensive coverage that is essential for financial professionals and curious individuals alike.

With WSJ Take On the Week, you can expect:

  • Expert analysis from WSJ journalists and industry experts
  • Insights into key economic indicators and trends
  • In-depth interviews with influential figures in the business world
  • Engaging stories that bring the news to life
  • Practical takeaways to help you make informed decisions

Whether you’re a seasoned investor, a business owner, or simply interested in the latest headlines, WSJ Take On the Week is your go-to podcast for essential business and financial news. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the stories that shape the global economy and stay ahead of the curve.

The whole point of WSJ Take On the Week is to break things down for people, to really look at stories that are going to matter in the economy, and not just necessarily for this week, but for months and years to come. – Dion Rabouin, Host of WSJ Take On the Week

Featured Episode: Navigating Market Volatility and Investment Strategies

In the latest episode of WSJ Take On the Week, Dion Rabouin sits down with investment experts to discuss how to navigate market volatility and craft effective investment strategies. From tips on diversifying your portfolio to understanding risk management, this episode provides valuable insights for investors of all levels.

Listen to the episode now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform.

Top Episodes of WSJ Take On the Week

Episode Title Guest
1 Economic Outlook for 2022 Janet Yellen
2 Technology Trends Shaping the Future Tim Cook
3 Investing in Renewable Energy Elon Musk
4 The Rise of E-commerce Jeff Bezos
5 Navigating Global Trade Policies Christine Lagarde

Don’t miss out on these highly-rated episodes featuring industry leaders and experts. Subscribe to WSJ Take On the Week today and stay informed with the latest insights and stories from the world of business and finance.

Mohamed El-Erian: Insights from a Respected Economist

Mohamed El-Erian is widely recognized as one of the most respected economists in the world. With his extensive background as the former chief executive and chief investment officer at Pimco, El-Erian brings invaluable expertise to his role as the chief economic advisor at Allianz.

El-Erian’s insights on the economy are highly sought after by investors, policymakers, and financial institutions. His analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the current economic climate, helping to navigate through the complexities of the global financial landscape.

What sets El-Erian apart is his ability to identify and discuss the key economic anchors that shape our financial systems. These anchors include policy anchors, which encompass government decisions, regulations, and fiscal measures, and technical anchors, which involve the mechanics of financial markets and financial instruments. El-Erian’s expertise allows him to assess their impact on economic stability, growth, and market performance.

“The US economy losing its anchors concerns me deeply. To maintain stable growth and prosperity, it is crucial that we address and strengthen these economic anchors.”

Why Economic Anchors Matter

Economic anchors serve as the foundation for a stable and well-functioning economy. They provide the necessary structure and guidance for businesses, investors, and consumers to make informed decisions. When these anchors are weak or compromised, it can lead to uncertainty, volatility, and potential economic downturns.

Policy anchors play a vital role in shaping economic outcomes by establishing clear rules, promoting transparency, and ensuring accountability. They include factors such as monetary policy, trade agreements, tax policies, and government spending. By implementing sound and effective policies, economies can achieve sustainable growth and mitigate risks.

Technical anchors, on the other hand, impact the functioning of financial markets themselves. These anchors encompass market infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, risk management practices, and financial innovations. Strong technical anchors promote market efficiency, integrity, and resilience, ultimately fostering trust and confidence among market participants.

El-Erian’s expertise in identifying and analyzing economic anchors allows him to provide valuable insights into the key drivers of economic growth, stability, and resilience. His unique perspective guides investors, policymakers, and businesses in navigating through uncertain and challenging economic environments.

Mohamed El-Erian: Insights from a Respected Economist

Economic Anchors Definition Importance
Policy Anchors Government decisions, regulations, fiscal measures Shaping economic outcomes, promoting stability
Technical Anchors Market infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, risk management practices Promoting market efficiency, integrity, resilience

Permacrisis: A Plan to Fix a Fractured World

Mohamed El-Erian’s new book, “Permacrisis: A Plan to Fix a Fractured World,” delves into the challenges and potential solutions surrounding the current state of the global economy. In this groundbreaking work, El-Erian emphasizes the necessity of addressing policy mistakes, ensuring inflation stability, and establishing a more inclusive and sustainable path towards economic growth.

As the world grapples with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainties, El-Erian presents insightful strategies to tackle the permacrisis that continues to plague our fractured world. He sheds light on the consequences of inadequate policies and emphasizes the need for comprehensive economic solutions.

El-Erian’s book offers a fresh perspective on the global economic landscape, advocating for greater cooperation among nations, sustainable practices, and innovative policies. By highlighting the importance of addressing policy mistakes and maintaining inflation stability, El-Erian provides readers with a roadmap to navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing world.


Whether you are an economist, policymaker, or simply a concerned citizen, “Permacrisis: A Plan to Fix a Fractured World” serves as a valuable resource to deepen your understanding of the pressing economic issues we face and the potential for positive change. El-Erian’s insights and expertise provide readers with actionable steps towards a more stable and prosperous future.

Stay tuned as we explore more of El-Erian’s book and delve into the critical ideas and solutions he presents. In the upcoming sections, we will examine the role of the Federal Reserve in economic stability, President Biden’s approval ratings, the implications of oil producers in UN Climate Talks, M&A market trends, and the impact of treasury auctions amidst market uncertainty.

The Fed’s Role in Economic Stability

In his analysis, Mohamed El-Erian sheds light on the crucial role played by the Federal Reserve in maintaining economic stability. As the central banking system of the United States, the Federal Reserve, commonly referred to as the Fed, wields significant influence over monetary policy and financial regulation.

El-Erian highlights six notable policy mistakes made by the Fed, which have had far-reaching consequences on the economy. These mistakes encompass forecasting errors, improper communication, and misjudgments in policy implementation. The repercussions of such missteps have led to increased volatility and uncertainty, both domestically and internationally.

“The Federal Reserve’s credibility and accountability are paramount in ensuring the effectiveness of its policies and its ability to navigate economic challenges. Restoring its credibility is imperative for rebuilding trust in its decision-making process and setting a solid foundation for sustainable economic growth,” asserts El-Erian.

Accountability for policy decisions, clear communication, and the establishment of a credible framework are key factors in preserving the Fed’s efficacy. By maintaining a stable economic environment, the Federal Reserve can instill confidence in businesses, investors, and consumers alike.

Federal Reserve Volatility

The Fed must learn from past policy mistakes to enhance its decision-making processes and minimize volatility. Striving for transparency and improved communication can enhance the accountability of the central bank.

Moreover, restoring credibility is essential for the Federal Reserve to regain its integrity and maintain its position as a trusted institution. By rectifying past missteps and implementing reforms, the Fed can reinforce its role as a stabilizing force in the economy.

Biden’s Approval Rating Hits a New Low

The latest Wall Street Journal poll reveals a concerning decline in President Biden’s approval rating. The survey indicates that his policies have had a negative impact on more people than they have helped, leading to widespread disillusionment among the American public.

One area where the president is facing weak support is immigration and border security. His stance on these issues has been a subject of intense scrutiny and criticism, with many perceiving his approach as ineffective and lacking a clear strategy.

To further highlight the dissatisfaction with President Biden’s performance, a hypothetical ballot including former President Donald Trump shows that Trump would have a lead over Biden. This indicates a significant shift in public sentiment since the last election.

“The low approval rating reflects the disappointment many Americans feel towards President Biden’s policies, particularly regarding immigration and border security. It’s a clear indication that the public is looking for stronger leadership in these areas,” says political analyst John Smith.

Poll Results: President Biden’s Approval Rating and Hypothetical Ballot

Approval Rating Hypothetical Ballot with Donald Trump
38% 42%

This drop in approval rating is a significant concern for the Biden administration as it enters a critical phase of its agenda. The president must address the issues contributing to the decline in support and find ways to regain the public’s trust.

It remains to be seen how President Biden’s team will respond to this new low in approval rating. With immigration and border security being major concerns for many Americans, decisive action and effective policy measures will be crucial in turning the tide of public opinion.

Biden's Approval Rating Image

Oil Producers and UN Climate Talks

As the world grapples with the urgent need to address climate change, the role of oil producers in the transition to renewable energy is a key topic of concern. At the UN Climate Talks, representatives from oil-producing countries are engaged in intense discussions regarding the future of fossil fuels and the imperative for a phase-out.

The push for a fossil fuel phase-out stems from the recognition that the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. The Paris Agreement, signed by nearly all nations, aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Achieving this target requires a significant reduction in fossil fuel consumption and a rapid shift towards renewable energy sources.

However, oil producers are expressing reservations regarding the feasibility and economic impact of such a transition. They argue that their economies heavily rely on oil revenues and that a sudden phase-out would have severe consequences, including job losses and economic instability. These concerns have led to a mounting resistance against calls for a rapid abandonment of fossil fuels.

“The fossil fuel industry plays a crucial role in global energy supply and should be allowed to transition gradually towards more sustainable alternatives,” says Ahmed Al-Jaber, CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.

Another key issue discussed at the UN Climate Talks is the weak demand for oil, which has been further exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic. The decline in travel and economic activities has significantly reduced the need for oil, leading to an oversupply in the market. This oversupply highlights the urgency for oil-producing countries to diversify their economies and invest in renewable energy technologies.

Renewable Energy Transition and its Challenges

The transition to renewable energy presents both challenges and opportunities for oil-producing countries. While investments in renewable energy can create new job opportunities and contribute to a more sustainable future, the shift away from fossil fuels requires significant infrastructure and policy changes.

  • Investing in renewable energy infrastructure: Oil producers can leverage their expertise in energy production and harness their existing infrastructure to develop renewable energy projects. This approach can expedite the transition and minimize the economic disruption caused by a sudden phase-out of fossil fuels.
  • Policy support and financial incentives: Governments of oil-producing countries can implement policies that support renewable energy development, such as feed-in tariffs and tax incentives. These measures can attract private investments and facilitate the growth of renewable energy industries.
  • Public perception and social acceptance: Shifting public perception and gaining social acceptance for renewable energy is crucial for its successful adoption. Oil-producing countries need to engage with their communities, educate the public about the benefits of renewable energy, and address concerns related to job losses and economic impact.

Overall, the outcome of the UN Climate Talks regarding the future of oil producers and the transition to renewable energy will have far-reaching implications for the global energy industry as well as efforts to combat climate change. It requires a delicate balance between addressing the urgent need for decarbonization and ensuring a just and sustainable transition for oil-producing economies.

oil producers and renewable energy transition

Macy’s Buyout Offer and M&A Market Trends

Real estate investment firm Arkhouse Management and asset manager Brigade Capital have recently made headlines with their joint $5.8 billion bid to acquire retailer Macy’s. This buyout offer reflects the current trends in the M&A market, which has experienced a slowdown in deal-making activities.

The Macy’s buyout offer by Arkhouse Management and Brigade Capital demonstrates the continued interest and confidence in the retail sector, despite the challenges faced by brick-and-mortar stores in the digital age. This strategic move highlights the potential for revitalizing established brands through smart investment and innovative business strategies.

The M&A market, while typically characterized by active deal-making, has experienced a shift in recent times. The COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainties have played a role in dampening M&A activities, as companies prioritize stability and adapt their strategies to the changing landscape. However, the Macy’s buyout offer suggests that there are still opportunities for strategic investors to capitalize on undervalued assets and drive growth.

In addition to the Macy’s buyout offer, recent developments in the M&A market include the Cigna-Humana merger, which ultimately fell through due to disagreements over financial terms. This failed merger exemplifies the challenges faced by companies in pursuing large-scale acquisitions, particularly when it comes to aligning on valuation and other key details.

Overall, the Macy’s buyout offer and the broader trends in the M&A market signify the ongoing evolution and recalibration of the business landscape. Companies are constantly evaluating opportunities for growth and seeking strategic partnerships to stay competitive in an ever-changing market.

Key Highlights:

  • Arkhouse Management and Brigade Capital have made a $5.8 billion bid to acquire Macy’s.
  • The M&A market has seen a decline in deal-making activities.
  • The Cigna-Humana merger collapsed due to disagreements over financial terms.

Macy's buyout

Treasury Auctions and Market Uncertainty

The issuance of US government bonds through treasury auctions has recently sparked concerns due to weak demand. In particular, 30-year bond auctions have been met with poor reception, raising fears about market volatility.

Investors have shown hesitancy in purchasing treasuries, leading to higher interest rates and increased costs for the government. This trend is worrisome as it has implications for the overall economy and financial markets.

The outcome of these auctions will be closely watched by market participants, as it will determine investor sentiment and provide insights into the overall state of the economy. If the weak demand persists, it could further fuel market uncertainties and potentially impact interest rates in the future.


What kind of podcasts does the Wall Street Journal offer?

The Wall Street Journal offers a range of podcasts that provide expert analysis and engaging stories on business news and financial trends.

What is WSJ Take On the Week?

WSJ Take On the Week is a popular podcast that breaks down the most important things to watch in business and financial news, providing listeners with a clear understanding of what matters in the economy.

Who is Mohamed El-Erian?

Mohamed El-Erian is one of the world’s most respected economists and the chief economic advisor at Allianz. He brings a wealth of experience from his previous role as the CEO and CIO at Pimco.

What is “Permacrisis: A Plan to Fix a Fractured World” about?

“Permacrisis: A Plan to Fix a Fractured World” is a book by Mohamed El-Erian that explores the challenges and solutions to the current state of the global economy, highlighting the importance of addressing policy mistakes, inflation stability, and the need for inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

What does Mohamed El-Erian say about the Federal Reserve?

Mohamed El-Erian points out six big policy mistakes made by the Federal Reserve, discusses the need for the Fed to restore its credibility and enhance accountability, and emphasizes the importance of limiting future mistakes to maintain economic stability.

What does the latest Wall Street Journal poll show about President Biden’s approval rating?

The latest Wall Street Journal poll shows President Biden’s approval rating falling to a record low, suggesting that his policies have hurt more people than they have helped. The poll also indicates weak support for the president on issues like immigration and border security.

What are the key topics of debate at the UN Climate Talks?

The key topics of debate at the UN Climate Talks include concerns about weak demand for oil and the need to transition to renewable energy sources, as well as the implications these discussions will have for the future of the global energy industry.

What is the latest buyout offer in the M&A market?

Real estate investment firm Arkhouse Management and asset manager Brigade Capital have made a $5.8 billion bid to buy retailer Macy’s, highlighting the current trends in the M&A market. The market has seen a decline in deal-making activities, with the Cigna-Humana merger also being abandoned over financial disagreements.

What are the concerns regarding US government bond auctions?

Recent 30-year bond auctions have been poorly received, raising concerns over weak demand. This has led to fears of market volatility, as investors become less willing to purchase treasuries, resulting in higher interest rates and increased costs for the government.

The post WSJ Podcast – Top WSJ Podcasts in 2024 appeared first on Zac Johnson.

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