How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Facebook?

Advertising on Facebook can be a powerful tool to reach your target audience and grow your business. But how much does it actually cost to advertise on this popular social media platform? Understanding the factors that influence Facebook advertising costs is essential for creating an effective advertising strategy that maximizes your budget and delivers the best results.

Facebook advertising costs are determined by various factors, including audience targeting, ad budget, ad bid, ad objective, ad placement, ad quality, season, and industry. Targeting specific demographics or interests can impact ad expenses, while the ad budget and bid set by the advertiser also affect costs. Choosing the right ad objective and campaign goal can have an impact, as well as selecting the most effective ad placement. Ad quality and relevance are also rated by Facebook and can influence ad costs.

To calculate the cost of advertising on Facebook, it’s crucial to consider these factors and optimize your strategy accordingly. By understanding the average costs and implementing cost-saving strategies, you can make the most of your advertising budget on Facebook. So, let’s dive deeper into the factors that impact Facebook advertising costs and how you can optimize your ad spend.

how much does it cost to advertise on facebook

Key Takeaways:

  • Facebook advertising costs are influenced by factors like audience targeting, ad budget, ad bid, ad objective, ad placement, ad quality, season, and industry.
  • Specific audience targeting, such as demographics or niche interests, may lead to higher expenses.
  • The ad budget and bid set by the advertiser impact costs and results.
  • Choosing the right ad objective and campaign goal can optimize ad costs.
  • Selecting the most effective ad placement can impact costs.

Factors That Impact Facebook Advertising Costs

The cost of advertising on Facebook is influenced by various factors that advertisers should consider when planning their campaigns. These factors include:

  1. Target Audience: The specific demographics, interests, and behaviors you choose to target can affect the cost of your Facebook ads. Advertisers targeting narrow, niche audiences may experience higher costs compared to those targeting broader, more general audiences.
  2. Ad Budget: The amount of money you allocate to your Facebook advertising budget will directly impact your ad costs. A larger budget allows for more extensive reach and exposure, potentially driving up costs. It’s crucial to set a budget that aligns with your campaign goals and expected ROI.
  3. Ad Bid: The bid you place on your ads can influence their cost. Bidding higher than other advertisers in the auction may help secure more ad impressions but may also increase overall expenses.
  4. Ad Objective: The objective you choose for your Facebook ads can have an impact on their cost. Certain objectives, like conversions or app installs, generally result in higher ad costs compared to objectives focused on awareness or engagement.
  5. Ad Placement: The placement of your ads on Facebook’s different platforms, such as the Facebook News Feed, Instagram, or Audience Network, can affect their costs. Some placements may have higher average costs per click or per impression.
  6. Ad Quality: The quality and relevance of your ads, as determined by Facebook’s algorithms, can impact their costs. Highly engaging and relevant ads are often rewarded with lower costs, while poor-quality ads may lead to higher costs to reach your target audience.
  7. Season and Industry: Seasonality and the industry you operate in can also influence Facebook ad costs. Ad costs may fluctuate depending on the demand for advertising during specific times of the year or within specific industries.

By understanding these factors, advertisers can make informed decisions and optimize their strategies to achieve their desired results while managing their ad costs effectively.

Impact of Factors on Facebook Advertising Costs

Each of these factors influences Facebook advertising costs differently. Some factors may drive up costs, while others may help lower them. Advertisers must analyze and balance these factors to optimize their ad expenses and achieve their campaign objectives.

Factors Impact on Facebook Advertising Costs
Target Audience Can affect costs depending on the specificity of targeting
Ad Budget Determines the overall investment and potential reach of the campaign
Ad Bid Higher bids may increase ad costs to win auctions
Ad Objective Influences costs based on the desired action or engagement
Ad Placement Different placements have varying average costs per click or impression
Ad Quality Well-performing ads with high relevance and quality can have lower costs
Season and Industry May impact costs based on demand and competitiveness

Understanding the impact of these factors enables advertisers to fine-tune their targeting, budgeting, bidding, objective selection, placement strategy, ad quality, and timing to optimize their Facebook advertising costs.

Audience Targeting and Its Impact on Facebook Advertising Costs

Audience targeting is a crucial element in the realm of Facebook advertising. By narrowing down the target audience based on demographics, interests, or specific attributes, advertisers can refine their ad campaigns and maximize their reach to the most relevant potential customers. However, it’s important to be aware that the level of specificity in audience targeting can directly impact ad costs on the platform.

When advertisers target specific demographics or niche interests, they may encounter higher advertising expenses compared to broader audience targeting. This is because reaching a smaller, more focused audience can require a higher ad spend to ensure adequate exposure and engagement. Conversely, broader targeting may offer a larger pool of potential customers at a more cost-effective rate.

When setting an advertising budget on Facebook, advertisers should carefully consider their target audience and the value they bring to their business. It’s important to strike a balance between reaching a relevant audience and managing ad costs effectively. By assessing the potential return on investment from targeting specific demographics or interests, advertisers can make strategic decisions that align with their budget and campaign objectives.

Targeting Specific Demographics

Facebook provides a range of demographics to target, such as age, gender, location, education level, and more. This allows advertisers to tailor their ads to specific groups of people who are more likely to be interested in their products or services. However, the narrower the demographic targeting, the more competitive and costly it may become to reach that particular audience.

Targeting Interests

Reaching audiences based on their interests can be a powerful tactic for driving engagement and conversions. Facebook offers an extensive list of interests and behaviors to choose from when targeting ads. Advertisers can select interests that align with their offerings, ensuring that their ads are shown to people who have shown an affinity for similar products or services. However, interest-based targeting can also impact ad costs, as specific interests might be more competitive and require higher bids to secure ad space.

audience targeting on Facebook

“By refining your target audience, you can enhance the relevance and effectiveness of your ads, but keep in mind that this may come at a higher cost.”

In conclusion, audience targeting on Facebook can have a significant impact on advertising costs. Advertisers should strive to strike the right balance between specificity and reach when defining their target audience. By carefully considering the potential costs and benefits associated with targeting specific demographics or interests, businesses can optimize their advertising budget and achieve better results on the platform.

Impact of Ad Budget and Ad Bid on Facebook Advertising Costs

The success of Facebook advertising campaigns heavily relies on strategically setting the ad budget and ad bid. Both factors directly impact the overall costs and effectiveness of your ads. Let’s explore how these elements play a pivotal role in achieving your campaign goals without breaking the bank.

The Importance of Ad Budget

The ad budget determines how much you are willing to invest in your Facebook ads. A larger budget provides more flexibility in terms of reach and frequency. However, it’s crucial to note that a higher budget alone does not guarantee better results if not optimized effectively.

To maximize conversions and achieve your campaign goals, it’s essential to carefully allocate your ad budget. Analyze your target audience, campaign objective, and the expected return on investment (ROI) to determine an appropriate and competitive budget. By striking the right balance between expenditure and desired outcomes, you can ensure your ad budget works efficiently for your business.

The Role of Ad Bid

The ad bid represents the maximum amount you are willing to pay for each user interaction on Facebook, such as clicks, impressions, or conversions. Facebook’s auction system considers both your bid and the ad quality to determine which ads will be shown and at what cost.

Different bid strategies, such as lowest cost or target cost bidding, come with their own implications on ad expenses. It’s important to set a competitive bid that aligns with your campaign goals and budget constraints. A well-calibrated bid can help you secure ad placements and optimize your ad costs.

Optimizing Ad Budget and Bid

To make the most of your ad budget and bid, consider the following tips:

  • Regularly monitor and adjust your budget based on campaign performance and objectives.
  • Experiment with different bid strategies to identify the most cost-effective approach for your ads.
  • Utilize Facebook’s performance insights and analytics to track the impact of your budget and bid on ad costs.
  • A/B test your creatives, ad placements, and targeting options to optimize your overall campaign performance.

By continuously fine-tuning your ad budget and bid, you can effectively manage your Facebook ad costs while achieving your desired outcomes.

Remember, a comprehensive understanding of your target audience, campaign objectives, and industry benchmarks will empower you to set a competitive bid and leverage your ad budget wisely, yielding impactful results for your business.

Now, let’s delve into the varied impact of ad objectives on Facebook advertising costs in the next section.

Impact of Ad Objective on Facebook Advertising Costs

When it comes to advertising on Facebook, the ad objective you choose can have a significant impact on your ad costs. Different ad goals, such as awareness, consideration, or conversions, vary in value for businesses. It’s important to consider how these goals align with your long-term objectives and allocate your budget accordingly.

Ad goals that involve immediate actions, like driving product purchases, tend to result in higher ad costs. This is because these objectives typically require more competition and targeting efforts to capture users’ attention and prompt them to take immediate action.

However, focusing on brand awareness and consideration goals can help decrease your advertising expenses while still achieving valuable results. These objectives allow you to reach a wider audience and build relationships with potential customers, ultimately leading to higher conversions over time.

To optimize your ad costs based on your campaign objectives, consider the following strategies:

  • Set clear and measurable goals that align with your business objectives.
  • Choose ad objectives that prioritize long-term value and engagement.
  • Segment your target audience effectively to maximize the relevance of your ads.
  • Create compelling and engaging ad content that resonates with your audience.
  • Regularly track and analyze the performance of your ads to make data-driven optimizations.

By carefully selecting the right ad objective and implementing these strategies, you can optimize your ad costs on Facebook and achieve meaningful results for your business.

In the next section, we will explore the impact of ad placement on Facebook advertising costs.

choosing the right ad objective on facebook

Impact of Ad Placement on Facebook Advertising Costs

Ad placement plays a crucial role in determining the cost of advertising on Facebook. The platform offers various ad placement options, including Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Audience Network. Each placement has its own average cost per click (CPC) or per impression (CPM), which can significantly impact your ad expenses.

Instagram tends to have a higher CPC compared to Facebook, as it caters to a visually-driven audience and offers excellent engagement opportunities. On the other hand, the Audience Network often provides lower costs and broader reach, making it an attractive option for advertisers looking to optimize their budget.

When choosing the right ad placement on Facebook, it’s essential to consider your campaign goals and target audience. Understanding where your target audience spends their time and which platform aligns best with your ad objectives can help you make informed decisions and optimize your ad expenses.

The Impact of Ad Placement on Facebook Advertising Costs

Let’s take a closer look at how ad placement can influence your Facebook advertising costs:

  • Facebook: This is the core advertising placement on the platform. It offers a wide range of targeting options and generally has a lower CPC compared to Instagram.
  • Instagram: Advertising on Instagram provides excellent visibility and engagement opportunities, making it ideal for visually appealing ads. However, the CPC on Instagram is generally higher than on Facebook.
  • Facebook Messenger: Placing ads on Facebook Messenger allows you to reach users directly in their messaging app. While it may have a lower CPC compared to Instagram, it’s essential to consider the user experience and ensure your ads are relevant and non-intrusive.
  • Audience Network: The Audience Network extends your ad reach beyond the Facebook platform, displaying your ads in various mobile apps and websites. It often offers lower CPC and CPM compared to Facebook and Instagram, making it an attractive choice for cost-conscious advertisers.

By carefully selecting the most relevant and effective ad placements based on your campaign goals, you can optimize your ad costs and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Example: Ad Placement Comparison Table

Ad Placement Average CPC Average CPM
Facebook $0.80 $9.50
Instagram $1.20 $14.50
Facebook Messenger $0.70 $8.50
Audience Network $0.60 $7.50

Ad Placement on Facebook

As shown in the table above, ad placement can have a significant impact on your advertising costs. It’s important to consider these average costs when planning your budget and selecting the most cost-effective ad placements for your campaigns.

By understanding the impact of ad placement on Facebook advertising costs and making strategic choices, you can optimize your ad expenses and achieve better results.

Impact of Ad Quality and Relevance on Facebook Advertising Costs

The success of your Facebook ads depends not only on the budget and targeting but also on the quality and relevance of your ads. Facebook rates ads based on their quality and relevance, and this rating has a direct impact on your advertising costs. Ads with higher relevance and engagement scores tend to have lower costs, while ads with lower scores can result in higher expenses.

Ad Quality: Creating high-quality ads is crucial to optimizing your ad costs. High-quality ads resonate with your target audience, generate positive interactions, and ultimately perform better. Facebook evaluates ad quality based on factors such as the quality and credibility of the landing page, the clarity and relevance of the ad content, as well as the overall user experience. By focusing on creating compelling and visually appealing ads, you can improve their quality and lower your advertising costs.

Ad Relevance: Ad relevance refers to how well your ads align with your target audience’s interests and needs. Facebook measures ad relevance based on feedback from users, including ad clicks, likes, comments, and shares. Ads that are highly relevant to your audience are more likely to generate positive interactions, resulting in lower costs. To improve ad relevance, it’s important to understand your target audience’s preferences, conduct thorough market research, and tailor your ads to align with their interests.

“Creating high-quality ads that resonate with your target audience can lead to better ad performance and lower expenses.”

To optimize your ad costs based on ad quality and relevance, focus on these best practices:

  • Design visually appealing and engaging ads that capture the attention of your target audience.
  • Ensure your ad content is clear, concise, and relevant to your target audience’s interests and needs.
  • Regularly monitor your ad performance metrics, including click-through rates, engagement rates, and conversion rates.
  • Make data-driven decisions by analyzing the feedback and insights provided by Facebook’s ad relevance diagnostics.
  • Continuously experiment with different ad variations, targeting strategies, and messaging to improve ad performance.

By consistently improving the quality and relevance of your ads, you can optimize your ad costs on Facebook and achieve better results.

impact of ad quality and relevance on Facebook advertising costs

Key Points Benefits
High-quality ads Lower advertising costs
Relevant ads Higher engagement and lower costs
Monitor ad performance metrics Make data-driven decisions
Continuous experimentation Improved ad performance

Average Facebook Advertising Costs

When it comes to advertising on Facebook, understanding the average costs can help advertisers plan their budget effectively. On average, the cost per click (CPC) for Facebook ads is around $0.94, making it a cost-effective option compared to other platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, or YouTube. Additionally, the average cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) on Facebook is approximately $12.07.

These average costs may vary depending on factors such as industry, competition, and seasonality. It’s essential for advertisers to consider these average costs as a starting point when allocating their advertising budget on Facebook.

Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, Facebook advertising offers an opportunity to reach a wide audience at a reasonable cost. By leveraging the platform’s targeting capabilities and optimizing your campaigns, you can achieve your marketing goals without breaking the bank.

Comparing Average Facebook Ad Costs with Other Platforms

Facebook’s average CPC and CPM rates make it an attractive option for advertisers looking to maximize their ad spend. Let’s compare these average costs with other popular social media platforms:

Social Media Platform Average CPC Average CPM
Facebook $0.94 $12.07
Instagram $1.41 $8.42
LinkedIn $5.26 $6.59
YouTube $0.10 $9.68

Note: The average CPC and CPM rates are approximate and can vary based on factors such as industry and target audience.

As you can see, Facebook’s average costs per click and impression are lower compared to other platforms, providing an opportunity for cost savings and higher ROI. Advertisers looking to make the most of their advertising budget should consider leveraging Facebook’s broad audience reach and relatively affordable ad costs.

Facebook Advertising Costs

In conclusion, Facebook offers advertisers an affordable advertising platform with an average CPC of $0.94 and an average CPM of $12.07. By considering these average costs and optimizing their campaigns, advertisers can maximize their reach and achieve their marketing objectives without exceeding their budget.

Other Social Media Advertising Costs

While Facebook is a popular advertising platform, it’s important to consider the advertising costs on other social media platforms as well. Each platform has its own ad pricing structure and unique audience reach. Let’s take a look at the costs and potential of some popular social media ad platforms:


Owned by Facebook, Instagram offers lower average costs per click (CPC) and per 1,000 impressions (CPM) compared to Facebook. Advertisers can take advantage of Instagram’s visually engaging platform to reach their target audience at a more affordable price point.


TikTok, a newer platform for advertising, has gained significant popularity. Advertisers can expect an average CPC of $1 and a CPM of $10 on TikTok. With its highly engaged user base, TikTok provides an opportunity for businesses to capture the attention of a younger demographic.


Pinterest offers relatively affordable ad pricing, making it an attractive option for advertisers. CPCs on Pinterest can range from $0.10 to $1.50, while CPMs range from $2 to $5. By utilizing Pinterest’s visual discovery platform, businesses can showcase their products and services to a motivated and creative audience.

Twitter and LinkedIn

Twitter and LinkedIn also have their own ad cost structures. Advertisers can leverage Twitter’s real-time conversations to engage with their target audience, while LinkedIn offers a professional networking environment for B2B marketing. Understanding the cost dynamics of these platforms is essential for effective social media advertising strategies.

When planning your social media advertising strategies, it’s crucial to examine the costs and potential audience reach of each platform. Consider your target audience, campaign objectives, and budget to make informed decisions and achieve the best results for your business.

social media advertising costs

Key takeaways:

  • Instagram, owned by Facebook, has lower CPC and CPM compared to Facebook.
  • TikTok offers an average CPC of $1 and a CPM of $10, attracting a young and engaged audience.
  • Pinterest provides relatively affordable ad pricing with CPCs ranging from $0.10 to $1.50 and CPMs ranging from $2 to $5.
  • Twitter and LinkedIn have their own ad cost structures, catering to different target audiences and objectives.

By diversifying your advertising efforts across various social media platforms, you can capitalize on the unique strengths and cost-effectiveness of each platform and reach a wider audience.

Tips to Reduce Facebook Advertising Costs

Are you looking for ways to optimize your Facebook ad budget and reduce costs? Here are some valuable strategies that can help you get more out of your advertising investment on Facebook.

Select the Right Campaign Objective

Choosing the appropriate campaign objective is crucial for minimizing costs and achieving your desired results on Facebook. Different objectives have varying levels of complexity and associated costs. For instance, if you’re aiming for conversions, the cost per action (CPA) might be higher compared to an objective focused on generating brand awareness. Evaluate your goals and select the objective that aligns best with your budget and campaign performance expectations.

Narrow Down Audience Targeting

Refining your audience targeting can significantly impact your ad costs. Instead of targeting broad demographics, try narrowing down your audience based on specific interests, behaviors, or demographics. By reaching a more relevant audience, you can increase the likelihood of conversions while reducing wasted ad spend.

Run Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting campaigns allow you to reach users who have already shown interest in your products or services. By focusing on warm leads, you can enhance conversion rates and lower your overall cost per conversion. Take advantage of Facebook’s retargeting capabilities to re-engage potential customers and maximize your ad budget.

Create Relevant and Engaging Ads

High-quality, engaging ads not only increase the effectiveness of your campaigns but can also reduce costs. Facebook rewards ads that generate positive user experiences with lower costs per click (CPC) or impressions (CPM). Invest time in crafting compelling ad copy, eye-catching visuals, and effective CTAs to improve ad relevancy and lower your ad costs.

Reduce Ad Frequency

Bombarding your audience with repetitive ads can lead to ad fatigue and increased costs. Instead, carefully manage your ad frequency to maintain user interest while avoiding oversaturation. By finding the right balance, you can improve engagement rates and lower costs.

A/B Test Ad Creatives and Placements

Testing different ad creatives and placements can give you valuable insights into what works best for your target audience. Conduct A/B tests to compare the performance of different ad variations, including visuals, copy, and placements. By optimizing your ads based on data-driven results, you can improve efficiency and reduce unnecessary ad spend.

Focus on Post-Click Experiences

Don’t overlook the importance of optimizing your post-click experiences. Ensure that your landing pages or destination URLs are well-designed, mobile-responsive, and relevant to the ad content. A seamless post-click experience can positively impact your conversion rates and ultimately drive down your overall ad costs.

Reducing Facebook Ad Costs

By implementing these cost-saving strategies and making data-based optimizations, you can significantly reduce your Facebook advertising costs without sacrificing results. Remember, effective budget management is key to maximizing your ROI on Facebook.


In conclusion, advertising on Facebook presents businesses with a range of opportunities to reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. However, the cost of advertising on the platform is influenced by various factors. Advertisers must consider these factors and make informed decisions to optimize their strategies and manage their ad costs effectively.

Factors such as audience targeting, ad budget, ad bid, ad objective, ad placement, ad quality, season, and industry all play a role in determining the cost of Facebook advertising. By carefully analyzing these factors, businesses can create a realistic advertising budget and maximize the impact of their ad campaigns.

Additionally, understanding the average costs of Facebook advertising can help advertisers set appropriate expectations and plan their budget accordingly. By implementing cost-saving strategies such as selecting the right ad objectives, narrowing down audience targeting, creating engaging ads, and focusing on post-click experiences, businesses can optimize their ad budget and achieve better results on Facebook.

Furthermore, it is important to consider other social media platforms when planning an advertising strategy. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn all have their own ad cost structures and potential audience reach. Advertisers should evaluate these platforms based on their target audience and advertising goals to diversify their marketing efforts and make the most of their budget.


How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook?

The cost of advertising on Facebook is influenced by factors such as audience targeting, ad budget, ad bid, ad objective, ad placement, ad quality, season, and industry.

What factors impact Facebook advertising costs?

Facebook advertising costs are affected by factors such as audience targeting, ad budget, ad bid, ad objective, ad placement, ad quality, season, and industry.

How does audience targeting impact Facebook advertising costs?

The more specific the audience targeting, the higher the potential costs. Ad campaigns targeting certain demographics or niche interests may result in higher expenses compared to broader audience targeting.

How do ad budget and ad bid affect Facebook advertising costs?

The ad budget and bid set by the advertiser directly impact Facebook advertising costs. A larger budget provides more flexibility, while a higher bid may increase costs per user interaction.

What is the impact of ad objective on Facebook advertising costs?

Different ad objectives, such as awareness, consideration, or conversions, have varying levels of value for businesses. Ad goals that involve immediate actions often result in higher ad costs.

How does ad placement impact Facebook advertising costs?

The cost of advertising on Facebook can vary depending on the ad placement. Instagram tends to have a higher cost per click compared to Facebook, while the Audience Network offers lower costs in most cases.

How does ad quality and relevance affect Facebook advertising costs?

Ads with higher relevance and engagement scores tend to have lower costs. Creating high-quality and relevant ads can lead to better performance and lower expenses.

What are the average Facebook advertising costs?

On average, the cost per click (CPC) for Facebook ads is around


How much does it cost to advertise on Facebook?

The cost of advertising on Facebook is influenced by factors such as audience targeting, ad budget, ad bid, ad objective, ad placement, ad quality, season, and industry.

What factors impact Facebook advertising costs?

Facebook advertising costs are affected by factors such as audience targeting, ad budget, ad bid, ad objective, ad placement, ad quality, season, and industry.

How does audience targeting impact Facebook advertising costs?

The more specific the audience targeting, the higher the potential costs. Ad campaigns targeting certain demographics or niche interests may result in higher expenses compared to broader audience targeting.

How do ad budget and ad bid affect Facebook advertising costs?

The ad budget and bid set by the advertiser directly impact Facebook advertising costs. A larger budget provides more flexibility, while a higher bid may increase costs per user interaction.

What is the impact of ad objective on Facebook advertising costs?

Different ad objectives, such as awareness, consideration, or conversions, have varying levels of value for businesses. Ad goals that involve immediate actions often result in higher ad costs.

How does ad placement impact Facebook advertising costs?

The cost of advertising on Facebook can vary depending on the ad placement. Instagram tends to have a higher cost per click compared to Facebook, while the Audience Network offers lower costs in most cases.

How does ad quality and relevance affect Facebook advertising costs?

Ads with higher relevance and engagement scores tend to have lower costs. Creating high-quality and relevant ads can lead to better performance and lower expenses.

What are the average Facebook advertising costs?

On average, the cost per click (CPC) for Facebook ads is around $0.94, and the cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) is approximately $12.07. However, these costs can vary based on industry, competition, and seasonality.

What are the advertising costs on other social media platforms?

Other social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn have their own pricing structures for advertising. Each platform offers different average costs per click and per impression.

What are some tips to reduce Facebook advertising costs?

Advertisers can reduce Facebook advertising costs by selecting the right campaign objective, narrowing down audience targeting, running retargeting campaigns, creating relevant and engaging ads, reducing ad frequency, A/B testing ad creatives and placements, and focusing on post-click experiences.

.94, and the cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) is approximately .07. However, these costs can vary based on industry, competition, and seasonality.

What are the advertising costs on other social media platforms?

Other social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn have their own pricing structures for advertising. Each platform offers different average costs per click and per impression.

What are some tips to reduce Facebook advertising costs?

Advertisers can reduce Facebook advertising costs by selecting the right campaign objective, narrowing down audience targeting, running retargeting campaigns, creating relevant and engaging ads, reducing ad frequency, A/B testing ad creatives and placements, and focusing on post-click experiences.

The post How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Facebook? appeared first on Zac Johnson.

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